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The truth is that it really does not matter which school of thought that you subscribe to, fear of the inside or fear on the outside.  The solution to ovJump Afraid!ercoming fear is the same.  Pretty simple too.  You simply have to act.  You can spend a lot of time on science and psychobabble, and I know these have their place.  But at the end of the research and counseling sessions, at some point you are going to have to man up, grab your cojones and do the very thing for which you are afraid to do.  That is the whole point of JumpAfraid.  Hell no it doesn’t feel good before you do it.  It feels GREAT once you do.

For instance, a lot of people have a real fear of flying.  You want to know how to get over this?  Get on a damn airplane.  Somewhere soon after takeoff, you are going to be forced to deal with the realization that if that plane crashes, you are dead.  If it doesn’t, you’re not.  It is that simple.  You cannot confront the fear of flying on the ground.  You have to get on the airplane.  At that point it does not matter if fear is within you or a big-ass devil sitting next to you.  If the plane doesn’t get to its destination, you are both screwed.

I think everyone is afraid to fly at some point in their lives.  You know what all people that fly a lot have in common?  They all board airplanes quite often.  Most of us learn to confront this fear early in life.  Someone who is afraid to fly, simply has not.  I know a sure fire way to get rid of this fear.  Just plan a bunch of short-haul round trips until it no longer bothers you.  It really is that simple.

This is the part of the Jump Afraid message that if you can grab a hold of, you will need nothing else.  Once you master this, there is nothing else I can offer you…except maybe some good stories.  The problem for most people is that the solution feels like hell until you finally decide to do it.

Most of the things we fear can be dealt with in this same fashion.  Fear, whether internal or external, doesn’t have to respond to any of your thoughts, feelings, words or affirmations.  But it must ALWAYS respond to your actions.  If you have a fear that is crippling you, the solution is simple.  While you are still steeped in your fear, you are going to have to act.  You are going to have to Jump Afraid.