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Writing While Terrified as Hell

Fear in hiding

Before you ever rule over fear, you are going to have to admit that it rules over you.  This is probably where more than 90% of us miss it.  The world we live in does not respond well to known liars.  We do however respond quite well to unknown liars.  If someone is...

Grow a pair

The problem for most people is that the solution feels like hell until you finally decide to do it.

What if Fear was one of us?

When fear is perceived as an internal struggle it typically rears its head in the form of negative thoughts and critical self talk. You have heard people claim that I am my own worst enemy. This is the result of fear being an internal conflict.


If you have ever heard that the phrase “fear not” appears 365 times in the bible, it does not.  This is BS.  It is amazing how many times I have heard this and have actually tried to verify it.  I never could, but also never have I confronted someone who said it once...