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Take your medicine…One pill at a time

From the last post, I want to point out how critical it is to stare your problems in the face.  Remember I said to rewrite your list every day.  If you are afraid of performing some of the tasks this is OK, really!  Keep writing them.  There is something about doing...

Break it Down NOW!

As mentioned last post, a big problem is nothing but a bunch of pesky little tasks that join forces to clutter your calendar and your mind that can throw you off course.  This can cause a lot of problems, but like I mentioned, the solution is simple.  If you have...

Kick Immobility in the teeth!

We all get overwhelmed from time to time.  It is what makes us human.  We break down.  We get tired and we start to perform at less than optimal levels.  As we get worn down, we become less proactive and more reactive.  This puts us on a path of chasing our tails and...

Neutered at Work=Neutered at Home

So my story is one of extreme frustration, and I see it happen to a lot of men.  Four years ago, I was in a very tough spot.  I was failing miserably in the work force.  I had just started a VERY terrible job.  I had a “business” that I ran that really did not make a...