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Fear in hiding

Before you ever rule over fear, you are going to have to admit that it rules over you.  This is probably where more than 90% of us miss it.  The world we live in does not respond well to known liars.  We do however respond quite well to unknown liars.  If someone is...

Grow a pair

The truth is that it really does not matter which school of thought that you subscribe to, fear of the inside or fear on the outside.  The solution to overcoming fear is the same.  Pretty simple too.  You simply have to act.  You can spend a lot of time on science and...

Belly Buttons and Gambling

  So is fear an in-nie or an out-tie?  You know like belly buttons. Is it within us or is it an external force? My opinion is both.  If you don’t agree don’t get your shiz in a nizzle.  Just my opinion, but it is based on my experience.  Fear is both a spiritual...

What if Fear was one of us?

On the other side of the coin from the last discussion is the school of thought that says that fear is an internal mechanism that is wholly within us.  Let’s look at it through this lens and assume that fear is simply a feeling or emotion that is entirely fueled by...

Real or Imaginary…Two perspectives

Earlier I stated that it was pretty interesting to me that Fear in Greek mythology is simply a personification and not really a being or deity.  Fast forward to today.  Is fear a presence that exists spiritually or is he simply a thought that we have inside of our own...